Playlist AdventNET Rádió

AdventNET Rádió
20:36 Dr. reisinger jános Nabukodonozor álma
20:36 Steeve vérayie Gap 4s
20:32 Steeve vérayie Minuit chrétien
20:29 The cambridge singers Silent night
19:48 Kimiko ishizaka Variatio 8 a 2 clav.
19:45 The cambridge singers Silent night
19:44 Ensemble vocal roumain « gloria » Gap 4s
19:42 Ensemble vocal roumain « gloria » Sur la paille fraiche
19:39 Christmas choir of king's college, cambridge, dir. sir david willcocks Shepherds, in the field abiding
18:52 08.07.19.-vzs Több igehely jelen. könyvébõl
18:49 The cambridge singers What child is this?
18:46 The cambridge singers Rise up, shepherd, and follow
18:46 Horváth gábor Adnr signal 02 1
18:11 Horváth gábor Isten terve szerint álmodjunk
18:09 Henk c. de gelder Track08
18:06 The cambridge singers I wonder as i wander
18:05 The cambridge singers Gap 4s
18:03 The cambridge singers Away in a manger
17:59 Ensemble vocal roumain « gloria » Patres vaguant dans les montagnes
16:59 Gyaraki henrietta Acs-01. a szentlélek kiáradása (apcsel. 1-2)
16:56 The cambridge singers God rest you merry, gentlemen
16:53 The cambridge singers O little one sweet
16:52 The cambridge singers Adnr signal 03 1
16:50 The cambridge singers Lo, how a rose e'er blooming
16:48 Christmas choir of king's college, cambridge, dir. sir david willcocks Ding! dong! merrily on high
15:46 The cambridge singers Jt-14 jezus tanitasa a tizparancsolatrol-2 vzs
15:19 The cambridge singers Gap 4s
15:16 The cambridge singers Rise up, shepherd, and follow
15:14 Ensemble vocal roumain « gloria » Pentru noi venit
15:12 The cambridge singers How great our joy
15:12 The cambridge singers Gap 4s
15:09 The cambridge singers God rest you merry, gentlemen
15:07 Christmas choir of king's college, cambridge, dir. sir david willcocks Torches
13:37 Christmas choir of king's college, cambridge, dir. sir david willcocks Jt-15 jezus tanitasa az utolso iteletrol vzs
13:32 Christmas choir of king's college, cambridge, dir. sir david willcocks 03ocome
13:31 Christmas choir of king's college, cambridge, dir. sir david willcocks Adnr signal 03 1
13:29 Christmas choir of king's college, cambridge, dir. sir david willcocks Coventry carol
13:26 The cambridge singers Angels we have heard on high
13:24 The cambridge singers 'twas in the moon of winter time
12:06 Reisinger jános Golgota
12:00 Steeve vérayie 01noel
11:59 Steeve vérayie Gap 4s
11:56 Steeve vérayie Minuit chrétien
11:54 Christmas choir of king's college, cambridge, dir. sir david willcocks Torches
11:54 The cambridge singers Gap 4s
11:51 The cambridge singers God rest you merry, gentlemen
11:51 Dr. vankó zsuzsa Adnr signal 03 1
10:20 Dr. vankó zsuzsa Ezredforduló vagy korszakforduló
10:17 Ensemble vocal roumain « gloria » Patres vaguant dans les montagnes
10:15 The cambridge singers We wish you a merry christmas
9:25 Oláh lászló A gyõztesek jézus hitébõl valók
9:24 Hites gábor Gap 4s
9:15 Hites gábor 10indulcijubilo
9:14 Hites gábor Adnr signal 03 1
8:18 Hites gábor Milyen belsõ változást indít el az evangélium ismerete?
8:16 The cambridge singers Good christian men, rejoice
8:14 The cambridge singers Angels we have heard on high
7:36 05.07.09.-vzs Ésa 43:11 ; 24-25
7:33 Bach collegium japan Bwv 196
7:31 The cambridge singers Ding dong! merrily on high
7:28 The cambridge singers All my heart this night rejoices
7:26 The cambridge singers Good christian men, rejoice
6:46 Horváth orsolya Békesség és igazság
6:44 Steeve vérayie / monique lemay Que l'on chante, qu'on s'appréte
6:41 The cambridge singers All my heart this night rejoices
6:39 Christmas choir of king's college, cambridge, dir. sir david willcocks Ding! dong! merrily on high
6:39 Vegh jozsef Gap 4s
6:38 Vegh jozsef Adnr signal 03 1
5:43 Vegh jozsef A tiz szuz peldazata
5:43 Monique lemay / karine coulombe Gap 4s
5:40 Monique lemay / karine coulombe Quel est l'enfant qui est né ce soir
5:36 The cambridge singers The christmas song
4:47 Bella géza A törvény betöltése
4:39 Vígh ágnes 04sinfonia
4:39 Vígh ágnes Adnr signal 02 1
3:43 Vígh ágnes "a felülrõl való bölcsesség...
3:40 The cambridge singers I wonder as i wander
3:37 The cambridge singers What child is this?
2:59 Christmas choir of king's college, cambridge, dir. sir david willcocks 01noel
2:55 Christmas choir of king's college, cambridge, dir. sir david willcocks See amid the winter's snow
1:48 07.06.10.-vzs Keresztésg
1:48 The cambridge singers Gap 4s
1:45 The cambridge singers O little one sweet
1:43 Christmas choir of king's college, cambridge, dir. sir david willcocks Lute-book lullaby
1:00 08.02.16.-vzs Ján 21:1-3
0:57 The cambridge singers What child is this?
0:57 The cambridge singers Gap 4s
0:54 The cambridge singers Silent night
0:07 Kecskeméti jános Letesszük-e problémáinkat isten kezébe?
0:07 The cambridge singers Gap 4s
0:04 The cambridge singers God rest you merry, gentlemen
0:02 Ensemble vocal roumain « gloria » Nous sommes trois souverains princes
0:01 Ottóné bartalos zsuzsanna Gap 4s