8:47 | Reisinger jános | Büszkeség és alázat a mindennapokban | |
8:42 | The monteverdi choir | The english baroque soloists | |
8:38 | Christmas choir of king's college, cambridge, dir. sir david willcocks | O come, all ye faithful | |
8:35 | Christmas choir of king's college, cambridge, dir. sir david willcocks | Myn lyking | |
8:35 | Hites gábor | Adnr signal 01 | |
7:33 | Hites gábor | A római levél isten gondviseléséről és a munkálkodásról | |
7:29 | The cambridge singers | Three kings of orient | |
7:28 | Sonnleitner károly | Gap 4s | |
6:43 | Sonnleitner károly | Minden féltett dolognál jobban õrizd meg szívedet | |
6:43 | Monique lemay / karine coulombe | Gap 4s | |
6:40 | Monique lemay / karine coulombe | Quel est l'enfant qui est né ce soir | |
6:36 | The cambridge singers | The christmas song | |
6:36 | The cambridge singers | Adnr signal 01 | |
6:32 | The cambridge singers | Silent night | |
5:07 | Reisinger jános | ...pilátussal | |
5:05 | Zugligeti kórus | Uram, tehozzád száll imám | |
5:02 | The cambridge singers | Away in a manger | |
5:02 | Christmas choir of king's college, cambridge, dir. sir david willcocks | Gap 4s | |
4:59 | Christmas choir of king's college, cambridge, dir. sir david willcocks | Blessed be that maid mary | |
4:57 | Christmas choir of king's college, cambridge, dir. sir david willcocks | Coventry carol | |
4:57 | Marianne lemay / daniel laplante | Gap 4s | |
4:54 | Marianne lemay / daniel laplante | Sheep may safely graze | |
4:54 | Reisinger jános | Adnr signal 02 1 | |
3:28 | Reisinger jános | ...pilátussal | |
3:28 | Ensemble vocal roumain « gloria » | Gap 4s | |
3:27 | Ensemble vocal roumain « gloria » | Pentru noi venit | |
3:26 | Reisinger jános | Gap 4s | |
3:21 | Reisinger jános | 03ocome | |
2:18 | Reisinger jános | Teljes volt kegyelemmel és igazsággal (ján 1,14) | |
2:05 | Nincs elõadó | Cd szám 11 | |
2:02 | Ensemble vocal roumain « gloria » | Nous sommes trois souverains princes | |
1:59 | Christmas choir of king's college, cambridge, dir. sir david willcocks | Personent hodie | |
1:59 | Reisinger jános | Adnr signal 03 1 | |
1:59 | Reisinger jános | Gap 4s | |
0:28 | Reisinger jános | "bocsásd meg a mi vétkeinket!" | |
0:27 | The cambridge singers | Gap 4s | |
0:24 | The cambridge singers | I wonder as i wander | |
0:22 | The cambridge singers | Lo, how a rose e'er blooming | |
0:19 | Murielle lemay / daniel laplante | Adoration | |